Flood Control Engineering
Support for Flood Protection and Coastal Restoration
A Team Dedicated to Protecting and Restoring Southeast Louisiana
With over 100 years of combined experience, AIMS Group, Inc. engineers have worked in coastal restoration, hurricane protection, hydraulics and hydrology (H&H) engineering, structural engineering, general engineering, construction oversight, and project management. We provide the following advantages in the services we provide:
Engineering Excellence
Our engineers have the ability to plan, design, and enable sustainable coastal projects that exceed expectations.
Integrated Approach
Our engineers and scientists collaborate in order to integrate all environmental and scientific requirements.
Efficient Management
Our team provides quick responses and efficient executions of any coastal flood protection project and client need.
Community Commitment
Our company has a commitment to and understanding of the physical environment and engineering practices of our region.
Our Experience in Flood Protection and Coastal Restoration
Our team has worked on various projects, providing services such as design, construction management and administration, alternative studies, and cost estimating. Even more, AIMS Group, Inc. personnel are Certified Levee Inspectors by the State of Louisiana, having performed over 900 miles of levee inspection – more than any other firm in the region.
In 2012, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) provided AIMS Group, Inc. with a Certificate of Appreciation for our support on the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System. We’ve also received the ACASS ratings of VERY GOOD or EXCEPTIONAL from USACE since 2012.
Not only has AIMS completed over 25 sizable Hurricane Protection Projects for various local, state, and federal governmental agencies, but we’re also experienced with the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan.
Our Capabilities
The Gulf Coast’s unique geography and vast waterways make surface water pumping crucial. AIMS’ professionals have provided pump station design solutions for clients throughout coastal Louisiana.
AIMS has extensive experience with coastal levee systems from the Hurricane Storm Damage Risk Reduction System to local levee district systems. Our design and construction experience includes earthen levees, floodwalls, dams, and other flood control structures.
Drainage Water and Stormwater modeling is used throughout the world for planning, analysis, and design. AIMS’ professionals have extensive modelling experience with a host of software systems to assist in developing cost-effective drainage system solutions.
Headland Restoration, Barrier Island re-development, Marsh Creation, and Living Shoreline projects are all within the coastal experience of AIMS. Our professionals have designed more than $250M in coastal restoration projects since 2015.
AIMS has designed and provided engineering during construction for floodwalls, t-walls, gate structures, major drainage structures, and drainage canals and bridges.
AIMS prepared the first baseline inspection study for the Corps of Engineers $14B HSDRRS Flood Protection System. Our team has inspected more than 700 miles of levee systems throughout the gulf coast.
Our Recent Projects
AIMS was tasked with design, specification development and assisting during bidding for two reaches: (1) WSLP-108 levees, T-walls, and a Mississippi Bayou drainage structure, stations 247+50 to 326+00, and (2) WSLP 105, levees, T-walls, and Perriloux drainage structure, stations 472+00 to 630+00. Design disciplines included Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Cost Estimating. AIMS was responsible for coordination of Geotechnical Analyses through one of our Subconsultants. Construction features included structural, mechanical and electrical design of drainage structure, gates and stop logs. Structural and Geotechnical design of T-Walls. Civil and Geotechnical design of levees, drainage canals, access roads, temporary retaining structures. Development of MII Construction Cost Estimates and schedules. CPAR Rating Official had the following to say about AIMS performance: “THE AE PRESENTED A VERY COST-EFFECTIVE DESIGN…. SINCE the AE’s performance in cost control element is much better than very good, it is therefore rated as exceptional.”
AIMS was selected for this Federal Restore Act project to restore 28,050 feet of historic maritime ridge along Bayou Eau Noire and to create 400 acres of marsh and nourish 100 acres of marsh in the nearby open water area, which includes restoring native grasses, migratory bird areas and enhancing the following: identify potential borrow sources river and basin side; analyze dredge material; collect existing data and available information for environmental inventory; develop preliminary environmental impact study; develop self-mitigating design for permitting; develop multiple design alternatives based cost; prepare joint permit application form, which includes preparing permit application supporting documents and preliminary design and drawings for CEMVN, DNR-OCM, MNSA, and resource agencies (NMFS, USFWS, EPA, CPRA, LDEQ, et al); and develop best available science report to comport with the Restore Act requirements. Final engineering design included an alignment and development of a ridge template that will also reduce wave energy as part of a “multiple lines of defense” strategy.
As part of AIMS’ scope on Bayou Segnette Flood Protection Project, it was responsible for the design and construction of:
8500 feet of floodwall;
1.8 miles of earthen levee
4 floodgates;
2 pedestrian gates;
New drain piping, drainage system and valve box;
Asphalt parking area;
Wooden bridge access to swimming area;
3 Sewer Lift Stations & assoc. force mains; and
Asphalt access roadway with cul-de-sac turn around.
A final ACASS evaluation was made of AIM’s services by USACE whereby AIMS received an overall rating of “Very Good” as well as Very Good ratings for the structural, civil, and cost estimating disciplines performed by the firm. The project was finished on time and within budget. The actual cost of construction was just shy of $24,000,000.00.